Rehab Services

While it is common for the doctor to go over individual exercises or stretches with the patient during their appointment, we have a few specific rehab programs we perform with patients. Our goal in the office is to be your teacher. Our rehab programs are meant to teach and watch you perform the exercises for only 4-6 visits in the office. Once we are confident you are performing the rehab correctly in the office, we then release you to continue the rehab program at home. Most of the rehab exercises and stretches can be performed at home with easily accessible equipment such as an inflatable exercise ball and foam rollers.

Neck/Cervical Rehab

We live in a world where we constantly have our heads down and forward.  This forward head posture has become a common theme among chiropractic patients.  We will teach you specific stretches and exercises meant to strengthen the neck and restore more of a normal position of the head and neck. 

Midback/Thoracic Rehab

Similar to the neck, most of our lifestyle’s today promote a slouched posture.  When our shoulders are constantly rolled forward, this can create a lot of stress and tension in the neck, upper back, and midback.  We will work with you on ways to help create more extension in your midback, thus making you feel a lot better. 

Low Back/Lumbar Rehab

Most of us will experience low back pain in our lives, and a lot of that has to do with our lifestyles again.  Every year we seem to become more sedentary.  They say sitting is the new smoking.  When we sit too much, the muscles in our back don’t have to work as hard.  This causes them to become weak, lose stability, and can become a major cause of a lot of low back pain.  This is why it is so important for us to rebuild the strength of the low back.

Shoulder Rehab

A lot of people don’t think of a chiropractor when it comes to shoulder injuries.  This is where our office stands out!  We have a very successful rehab program for shoulder injuries that Dr K personally developed himself.  This program will require a little bit more equipment at home, but not much.  You will want to invest in some kettle bells!